As of late 2000, we have worked in the field of climate control industry and have since the start seen great potential of improvements and possibilities of reaching higher efficiency. This is the reason behind this branch of Moniq.
Here, we develop the hard- and software for the remote climate industry aswell as for other industrial areas in hope of improving the industry's efficiency.
After careful development, testing and adaptation, we now have the thermo coupler MWS-200 ready for work on all types and sizes of remote climate pipes.
Our thermo couple welder needs a competent software to determine a perfect joint aswell as the technicians who create the reports for invoicing.
MWS-200 is always connected to the internet and reports it's work back to the software the technicians use to log their work.
You can always monitor where the hardware is located and works as it's intended to. If the technicians encounters any problem, the welder reports it back immediately.
Basic information about the MWS-200 and it's software can be found under Products above or via the button below.
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